LETTER: Officials need to visit places that keep trash in check

For many of us, trash should be a four-letter word.

After reading the activity report by the Clallam County chain gang, the problem described here is monumental.

We should be doing more about it, but what?

We can’t even screen a large dump of of tires and old vehicles on U.S. Highway 101 near the McDonald Creek bridge, east of Port Angeles.

Look elsewhere in places abroad, like Germany and Canada, where trash dumping is a punishable offense.

Even in the U.S. in certain locations, like Pensacola, Fla., and roads in Pennsylvania and Maryland, the problem is minimal there.

Sure, hauling to the dump is expensive.

Some folks don’t even have a vehicle to haul it and then, by example, train their kids to throw it.

Maybe a trip might be worthwhile to other places where those responsible have a handle on this four-letter, ugly problem.

Glen Wiggins,

Port Angeles