LETTER: Music lifts people and and mixes us together

Music brings people together who otherwise might have different backgrounds.

My music taste is varied. I like classical symphonies and orchestras.

I like choirs like the Tabernacle Choir and Gregorian chants.

I like 1980s new wave groups, like Oingo Boingo and the Thompson Twins.

I like classic rock, like Boston and Journey.

I like country, like George Strait and Clint Black.

I like music from my parents’ era, like the Beatles and ABBA.

Think of the different audiences you’d get at each of these concerts. I enjoy them all and would have a connection to anyone else who enjoyed similar music.

I’m thankful for my appreciation of each of these genres of music.

Music speaks to me.

It can pump me up or make me melancholy.

I love the harpsichord and the electric guitar.

I love the cello and the synthesizer.

I love the bagpipes and the organ.

I love a capella and instrumentals.

I’m all over the board.

Hymns and music at church often touch me deeply spiritually.

It speaks to my soul in ways I can’t explain.

Christmas music can brighten my day and put me in a good mood.

Whether you like Bon Jovi or Bach, we could probably find common ground.

Uplifting music is refreshing.

Join a choir.

Learn to play an instrument.

It’s a great big world out there and you might find something new.

In the age of the internet with Spotify, Soundcloud and YouTube, there’s bound to be new music that you’ll like.

Jason Bringhurst,

Port Angeles