Letter: Levy Questions

Levy Questions

Gunk-filled pipes, corrosion, roaring heaters, inadequate heating and cooling systems do not a new school make.

The problems were exactly the same when the last levy for the high school failed.

When something is wrong with your house you don’t build a new house, you fix it.

There is a time for changing from iron pipes to copper pipes, or changing from wood heat to electric or maybe heat pump, a time for more insulation, a time for double pane windows.

That’s what maintenance is all about.

You upgrade, you improve, you remodel. We can’t afford to build a new house every time something gets outdated or breaks down and a lot of people in this town can’t afford to pay for a new school just because this one hasn’t been better cared for.

Building another 39,000 square feet of new buildings just so the sixth graders have someplace to go, when they seem to be doing fine at Roosevelt causes me to question this 52.6 million dollar levy as well.

I was looking at www.roarpa.org/news/pa-school-board and they have a number of questions I don’t feel have been adequately answered.

I really wish the School Board had asked the public to share their opinions and perspectives on the matter before coming to the conclusion that new is the only way to go.

William Yucha

Port Angeles