LETTER: Lawmakers need to hold themselves to higher standard, not resort to childishness

It is despicable and beneath being a senator or representative to engage in childish endeavors and disrespect to the office of the president and the office they hold.

They are a disgrace to America.

Seems to be a norm for Democrats to either obstruct or act childish when they don’t get their way.

I realize that they have a First Amendment right, but they are the representatives of the people, and they also have a moral and ethical code that you represent when you become a congressional representative of all the people.

By people, I mean that no matter what party you represent, once elected, you are a representative of the people, not the party.

The only time you are a representative of your party is when you are running for that position.

The people these congressional representatives represent, if any of them are running in 2018, then give them the boot.

Because of these types, it is one reason why Congress’ ratings are lower than cockroaches.

I applaud our state congressional representatives for showing class and respect for the office that they represent, and also to the office of the president and not joining the boycott of the inauguration.

Kudos to them.

Richard Aksamit,
