LETTER: It is time to remove President Donald Trump from office

In December 2016, I wrote my congressional representatives expressing concerns about the president elect’s ability to govern this nation.

Now, 18 months into his presidency, it is time to write again, rather than remain complicit in my silence to the ongoing degradation and demise of this nation’s greatness.

Isn’t it ironic that Mr. Trump ran on the slogan of “Making America Great Again” when in fact he has done just the opposite in the eyes of most thinking Americans and much of the world?

When is enough, enough?

On a daily, weekly and monthly basis we witness his immaturity, impulsivity, pathological lying and complete ineptitude to function in the presidential role.

Now there is ‘resistance’ within the White House which functions to protect the nation and world from his severe and dangerous characterological traits and flaws. Must we, along with Congress, simply sit back and watch this play out?

It is time to urge your congressmen to act to remove Mr. Trump from office.

They have articles of impeachment and/or the 25th amendment at their disposal.

Isn’t it time to act in an unprecedented manner to deal with months of unprecedented reckless, unpredictable, and frankly frightening conduct by Mr. Trump?

I think he is a textbook case of a severely, personality disordered individual

Removing him from the White House would bring a sigh of relief to myself, family, friends, colleagues and the nation, knowing some action is finally and truly being taken to “Make America Great Again.”

Richard Storch,

Port Angeles