LETTER: Grand farce

For once, I agreed with Michelle Malkin, “The grand farce of social distancing,” April 10.

In attacking the odd celebrity and gym-goer, however, she has one glaring omission: our chief of state.

Our president has failed to lead.

He discredits and openly attacks science.

He coddles benighted governors who let COVID run rampant whilst blocking supplies to areas hardest hit.

He sows hatred with racial epithets.

In none of this should we be surprised, only further disappointed.

As a family physician, father to school-age children, and son of elderly parents, I don’t have easy answers.

When Inslee closed our school I ranted about exactly Malkin’s point, namely the cure being worse than the disease.

Now I’m grateful that locally we’re saving lives.

At the same time I know from my out-of-work patients how hard this shutdown makes it to keep food on the table — or a roof overhead — and recognize that I, like Malkin, speak from a place of power and privilege.

Already numerous studies highlight how the very people this virus hits hardest, namely those already marginalized, also bear the brunt of the sudden recession.

As a simple human, I value honesty, transparency, integrity, compassion, fairness and science.

In this time of crisis we might look to a leader who displays these characteristics, such as Angela Merkel of Germany, when we find them lacking at home.

We are not a serious country, indeed.

I look forward to changing that this November.

Ned Hammar

Port Angeles