LETTER: Get vaccinated

I have several issues, and I’m an old man, but I’ll make this short and prioritized.

I want everyone to get vaccinated.

Now, I have biases.

I am a military veteran and worked in medicine and education.

I consider myself a scientist and a skeptic.

For those of you still reading, cool.

I will not address many of the issues that need to be addressed in order to help our communities and our society stay in place such as, pick your favorite hot topic here, reproductive rights, gun violence in schools, mask use or anything even vaguely political.

There seems however to be a priority issue.

To the point, COVID-19 variants are inevitable and unpredictable.

Accept this uncertainty.

Balance this fear though with the need to protect others.

I think, just my humble opinion, that vaccinations are the key to keep our society, businesses and families intact.

Please get vaccinated and boosted as needed.

Rob Dalm

Port Angeles