LETTER: Doesn’t like how state government is handling lockdown

Within our Declaration of Independence it says “All men are created equal… endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights… (including) Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

With Covid 19, much liberty and pursuit of happiness have been sacrificed, in trying to save lives.

The greater part of this sacrifice has been imposed upon the private sector, while government stays as much as possible above the fray.

The front page of the May 11 Peninsula Daily News shows state recreation areas that have been re-opened being enjoyed by people from Seattle and Puyallup.

A picky little argument could be made that this puts the liberty and pursuit of happiness of people from more populous areas above the lives of people living in our counties.

Would it not be better to allow responsible, intelligent people in our areas to survey building lots and to start new construction as needed before we invite people from everywhere else to come here?

Our State government appears unable to see much beyond its own socialist/statist/big business agenda.

Ron Grotjan
