LETTER: Doesn’t like declaring party on primary ballot

All of our little freedoms lost now include our right to vote without announcing the political party of which we choose, this time.

When we cannot vote the candidate as an individual which happens to be borne by a previously unchosen party then we know our individual rights have been violated.

No excuses are viable or necessary to try and placate or pacify.

Just admit to the truth and realize these facts are a part of the problem, i.e. loss of civil rights.

We’re now numbed, dumbed, ripe and prepared for picking.

Folks are trying to misconstrue and then convince others that their misconception is truth.

Truth states: money used for war can be turned into education or homeland repairs.

Untruths and misconceptions state: no, war is good, war is money maker.

But then real truth shows up and says we’ve got a little virus problem, are we ready for a reality check?

Have our previous decisions been sound?

So much of today’s life is subject to controversy.

And meanwhile our little freedoms just keep slipping away.

Who’s driving this freedom train anyway?

Is it you?

Gregory Houghton

Port Angeles