LETTER: Can’t trust that overcrowding is a problem

The state Legislature is currently trying to resolve serious financial issues plaguing Washington public schools. Funding methods and sources are being considered.

There is confusion as to what the final outcome will be and to what degree property owners and school districts will be affected.

The Port Angeles School District once again is proposing multi-million dollar solutions to problems that may or may not exist.

A couple of years ago, the $98 million bond proposal was vigorously supported by the district. It failed.

Now a $47.6 million levy is being touted as a step to alleviate overcrowding, one of this year’s district causes.

The construction of the new high school, which was so desperately needed just a couple of years ago, has been moved to the year 2030.

It’s a good thing the voters didn’t pass that bond issue, because apparently it’s not the hot, critical issue it once was.

Who is to say if overcrowding is the critical issue it’s being made out to be?

Property taxes will increase dramatically if this levy passes.

Go to www.stop75percent tax.com for more information.

Vote no on the levy.

Doug Oaks

Port Angeles