LETTER: Calling our president a buffoon no laughing matter

“Buffoon” in Webster’s description: “a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person.”

That does not describe someone who defeated 16 Republican nominees, the Democratic Party and many in the Republican Party, along with most of the so-called news media.

When we call a president a liar, we should give an example, such as President Barack Obama’s description of the Benghazi attack on our embassy and the Affordable Care Act.

He stated rates will go down and you can keep your doctor, etc.

Hillary Clinton and President Obama initially told the people the reason for the attack on our embassy Sept. 11, 2012, was because of an anti-Islamic video.

I believe these were intentional lies to help President Obama get re-elected in November of 2012.

Bankruptcy is part of doing business and perfectly legal.

Three marriages and five children — it’s difficult for the families, but it happens.

Sexual abuse, I doubt it.

Sexual comments, probably.

I noticed those so-called sexual abuse allegations stopped after the election.

I would never question my friends’ or someone’s morality over an election.

That is a direct insult to friends and over 62 million people who voted for President Trump, many of whom were women.

I might question the name-callers’ mentality, but not morality.

I just hope the Democratic Party will start handing out sleeping pills for those who cannot sleep, because President Trump probably will be around for eight years.

Try and be objective.

Look and listen to what he is trying to do to help our country.

Willie Johnson,
