SEQUIM — Renne Emiko Brock will present a free workshop, Creative Small Business Basics, at the North Olympic Shuttle & Spindle Guild meeting Saturday.
The workshop will be at noon at the Sequim Community Church’s portable classrooms on 950 N. Fifth St. The public is welcome.
The director of several creative arts events and a Peninsula College multi-media communications instructor, she will cover the fundamentals of branding, marketing, creating an active online presence, business licensing and insurance, photographing art, digital storytelling and selling.
The North Olympic Shuttle & Spindle Guild (NOSSG) shares learning and fellowship of the Fiber Arts through “show and tell” at monthly meetings, weaving study groups, workshops, programs, trips, educational exhibits and demonstrations to the community.
The group meets on the first Saturday of each month form 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sequim Community Church.
No meetings are planned in June, July, October and December because of fiber arts events.
The guild has nearly 50 active members — weavers, spinners, dyers, basket makers, felters, knitters, crocheters and other fiber artists.