Forks history presentation, tour of Chimacum Woods among upcoming activities on Peninsula

A Forks history presentation, a gallery exhibit opening in Port Angeles and a tour of Chimacum Woods are among the upcoming activities on the North Olympic Peninsula.

Information also is available on the interactive calendar at


Conquer the tower

SEQUIM — Cub Scout Pack No. 4850 invites area youth to “conquer the tower” from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

Those entering kindergarten to 20-year-olds are invited to test their climbing skills at the tower in Whimsy Park at 128 E. Washington St.

A parent or guardian must be present to sign for consent.

A break will be held for the Irrigation Festival Parade.

Book sale

SEQUIM — The Friends of Sequim Library will host its monthly book sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

The sale will be at the Friends building behind the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.

This month’s special featured items include books about genealogy, science writing and how to establish a home-based business.

Also available will be WWII in Europe books, as well as more than 50 jigsaw puzzles and 300 music CDs.

Proceeds from the sale benefit children’s and adult programming at the library.

Book discussion

SEQUIM — “A Man Called Ove” by Fredrik Backan will be discussed at 3 p.m. Saturday during the Second Saturday Book Discussion Group’s meeting.

All are welcome to participate at the library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.

Copies of “A Man Called Ove” are available in various formats including regular print, audiobook on CD and downloadable e-book.

They can be requested online by visiting the library catalog at

For more information, call 360-683-1161, email or visit the website.

Elks bingo

SEQUIM — The Sequim Elks Lodge invites those 18 and older to play bingo from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday.

Admission is free.

The minimum buy-in for the game is $10 at the lodge, 143 Port Williams Road.

Snacks and refreshments will be available for purchase.

For more information, call Crystal Parker at 360-683-3034.

Coast Guard stories

SEQUIM — The North Olympic Sail & Power Squadron will meet for a presentation by Cmdr. Dick Schoel, U.S. Coast Guard retired, on Monday.

At 5 p.m., a social hour will be held with a short business meeting following at Sunland Golf & Country Club at 109 Hilltop Drive.

The event is free and open to the public. An optional dinner can be purchased for $22 per person.

Schoel was chief of the Office for Search & Rescue in Juneau, Alaska, in 1980 when the luxury cruise liner Prinsendam caught fire and eventually sank.

He took charge of coordinating the air and sea rescue operation which saved more than 520 lives, according to a news release.

For more information, call Nila Madsen at 360-775-5352 or visit www.

Cybersecurity, privacy

SEQUIM — An online privacy and cybersecurity program is set for 6 p.m. Monday.

Tech guru Tyler Slater will touch on computer privacy and cybersecurity basics, and discuss best practices to safely navigate your online activity during his presentation at the Sequim Library at 630 N. Sequim Ave.

The presentation is free and open to the public.

For more information, call 360-417-8500, email, or visit

Hospice myths, benefits

SEQUIM — Soroptimist International of Sequim will host a “Tea with SHE” presentation focusing on hospice care from noon to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The seminar titled “Hospice Care — Myths & Benefits” is free and open to the public at Trinity United Methodist Church at 100 S. Blake Ave.

Assured Hospice and Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County representatives will describe hospice care goals and services and also will address the many misconceptions and misunderstandings people have about hospice care.

Topics covered include — but are not limited to — what hospice care is and why it is important, who is eligible for hospice care and whether family-caregivers are included, services and support provided under hospice, how personal doctors are involved, and what hospice care costs and who pays for the services.

A short question-and-answer session will follow the presentations.

Free informational handouts and brochures will be provided for attendees.

Light refreshments will be served.

For more information, call Janet Popelka at 314-719-7993.

Fountain ribbon-cutting

SEQUIM — The city and Sequim Prairie Garden Club will host a ribbon-cutting to celebrate the completion of the newly restored fountain at Pioneer Memorial Park at noon Wednesday.

The Garden Clubhouse at 387 E. Washington St. will be open and garden club members will serve desserts, coffee and tea.

A display of historic photographs of the original fountain will be featured at the clubhouse.

For more information, call city Public Works Department at 360-683-4908.

Board game night

SEQUIM — Members of the public are invited to a board game night from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday.

The free game night will be at Gateway Games & Hobby at 235 E. Washington St.

It is open to players of all skill levels.

For more information, call 360-683-8534 or email

Gardening advice

SEQUIM — Members of the public are invited to ask master gardeners about vegetable gardening from 10 a.m. to noon Thursday.

Master gardeners will be available Thursdays at the Woodcock Demonstration Garden at 2711 Woodcock Road during the growing season and will be available to chat.

For more information, call 360-565-2679.


Recycling event

PORT ANGELES — The North Olympic Library System will host the inaugural “REthink! Fair” at the Port Angeles Library on Saturday.

Members of the public can drop by the library at 2210 S. Peabody St. between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to engage in various recycling-related activities and learn ways to conserve resources.

Activities range from writing a break-up letter to plastics and learning about beach cleanups, to creating a repurposed book craft and testing out a pickleball paddle made out of recycled materials.

Attendees also can connect with local agencies including Coastsavers, Surfriders, Feiro Marine Life Center, Peninsula College’s Composite Technologies and Olympic National Park at booths during the event.

For more information, call 360-457-8500, email, or visit

Garden walk

PORT ANGELES — A garden walk at the Fifth Street Community Garden is set for 10 a.m. Saturday.

Until 11:30 a.m., veteran Master Gardeners Laurel Moulton, Lois Bellamy, Jeanette Stehr-Green and Audreen Williams will share gardening knowledge at the garden at 328 E. Fifth St.

The public is invited to the free event.

Topics covered include transplanting starts, setting up trellises, fertilizing and dealing with early spring pests such as cabbage butterfly, carrot rust fly, and pea leaf weevil.

Walks are held through Sept. 8 on second Saturdays.

Paranormal meeting

PORT ANGELES — Paranormal Kindred will gather for a meeting at the Port Angeles Library’s Carver room from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Members of the public are invited to the attend the meeting in the library’s Carver Room at 2210 S. Peabody St.

“The meeting is an adult discussion group about anomalous phenomena,” according to a news release.

For more information, email

Wellness fair

PORT ANGELES — A Lower Elwha Children’s Mental Health Awareness day and jam session will begin at 3 p.m. Saturday.

The public is invited to the event at the Lower Elwha Klallam tribal gymnasium at 2851 Lower Elwha Road.

Admission is free to the event which will conclude at 9 p.m.

Those interested in attending are asked to RSVP through the event’s Facebook page.

Featured will be a cultural exchange raffle, a speaker, an intertribal jam session and a dinner.

For more information, contact Lower Elwha Systems of Care social marketing specialist Anthony Boyd Jr. at 360-565-7257 ext. 7452 or

Career fair

PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College will hold its inaugural Allied Health Job and Student Recruitment Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday.

Adults with an interest in working in health care or enrolling in a health care program are encouraged to attend the fair in the K Building at the college at 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.

The event is free and open to the public.

Representatives of Olympic Medical Center, the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe, Forks Community Hospital and Jefferson Healthcare will be on hand to meet with attendees.

Additionally, visitors can meet with human resources professionals and faculty during the event.

Information about financial aid, program deadlines, and scholarships be available.

For more information, email Rachel Pairsh at

Plant clinic

PORT ANGELES — The Washington State University Clallam County Extension will host a plant clinic Monday.

From 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the public can seek plant help at Suite 15 at the Clallam County Courthouse at 223 E. Fourth St.

Topics such as plant identification, pest and disease control, as well as vegetable gardening can be addressed.

For more information, call 360-417-2279.

Gardening advice

PORT ANGELES — Members of the public are invited to ask master gardeners about vegetable gardening from 10 a.m. to noon Monday.

Master gardeners will be available Mondays at the Fifth Street Community Garden at 328 E. Fifth St. — rain or shine — including holidays during the growing season and will be available to chat.

For more information, call 360-565-2679.

Estate planning seminar

PORT ANGELES — Members of the public are invited to a free seminar about estate planning from noon to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Registration is required. To register, contact Dean Miller at or 360-417-1815 ext. 8, or visit

Tax expert Lonnie Rich, CPA, will describe how to plan charitable gifts from estates during the presentation at the Port Angeles Senior & Community Center at 328 E. Seventh St.

Light snacks and beverages will be served.

For more information, contact Miller.

Gallery opening

PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College’s Longhouse Art Gallery Retrospective Exhibit at the House of Learning will open Tuesday.

The exhibit will be open Tuesdays to Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. until Aug. 31 at the college’s longhouse at 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.

The gallery “celebrates the artists who have exhibited on the Peninsula College campus as Longhouse guest artists since the opening of the House of Learning in 2007 … [and] will also honor those whose artwork is part of the permanent collection,” according to a news release.

An artist reception is slated for June 1, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the longhouse.

The event is free and open to the public.

For more information, email Sadie Crowe at

Geotechnical presentation

PORT ANGELES — The Olympic National Park invites the public to a presentation titled “Olympic Hot Springs Road Geotechnical Investigation” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The free event will be held at the Elwha Klallam Heritage Center’s Eagle Nest room at 401 E. First St.

Public scoping occurred in March 2018 and the public reviewed and provided input on developing an environmental assessment for the investigation.

The purpose of this presentation is to clarify the scope of the proposed geotechnical investigation and provide the public with an opportunity to ask questions.

The geotechnical investigation would assess subsurface conditions of the road.

The data from the investigation would be used to determine the engineering feasibility of a potential relocation of a one-mile section of Olympic Hot Springs Road out of the floodplain.

The analysis of a potential relocation would occur in a separate environmental assessment to address long-term planning for the road.

A question-and-answer session will follow the presentation.

Community cooperation

PORT ANGELES — The public is invited to a Community Cooperation meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

The free meeting, “Keep Yourself, Your Family and Your Pets Physically & Emotionally Healthy in and after a Disaster” will be at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at 301 E. Lopez Ave.

The topic will be presented by Hollie Kaufman, Veterans Association ARNP.

Planning for large-scale emergency events will be covered.

For more information, email

Senior dance

PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Senior & Community Center will host a Senior Swingers dance from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The Cat’s Meow will provide music for the dance at the center, 328 E. Seventh St.

The first visit is free, and $5 covers all visits.

VA walk

PORT ANGELES — The eighth annual VA2K will get underway Wednesday.

Registration will begin at 11 a.m. at the Veteran’s Affairs Clinic parking lot at 1114 Georgiana St., after which the walk will begin at noon.

The public is invited to participate.

Donations to the Veterans Affairs Homeless Veterans Program will be accepted on-site at the parking lot.

Those interested in placing a donation are asked to provide new clothing, new and sealed toiletries, nonperishable food items, and cleaning supplies.

Responder training

PORT ANGELES — The state Department of Transportation and State Patrol will present a National Traffic Incident Management (NTIM) Responder Training session.

The program is offered free of charge to all area responders and registration is required.

To register, visit

Locations and times will be provided once registration is completed.

A cross-disciplined group of area TIM trainers will lead interactive discussions through modules such — but not limited to — TIM fundamentals and terminology, safe vehicle positioning, scene safety, and scene clearance and termination.

For more information, contact Vince Fairhurst at 360-705-7287 ot or 360-705-7287; or Lieutenant Tina Martin at 360-596-4124


Trivia night

CHIMACUM — The Jefferson County Library invites the public to come test their knowledge about books, film and pop culture at 6:30 tonight.

The library’s “Books on Tap” trivia event will be held at Finnriver Farm & Cidery at 124 Center Road.

The event is free.

Those interested can fly solo or form a team.

Dance party

CHIMACUM — A free dance party will be held from 7 to 10 tonight.

All ages are invited to the family-friendly dance at the Chimacum Grange at 9572 Rhody Drive.

The night will begin with a warm-up, with a 10-minute opening circle to share introductions, announcements and offerings for the dance.

Hosts Amy Priest, Weston Pratt, Sarah Peller and Leigh Senna will play a variety of styles from funky disco to ambient and tribal genres.

The night will culminate with another circle gathering.

Event organizers ask attendees to leave their shoes at the door before hitting the dance floor.

No alcohol is permitted.


Support group

PORT HADLOCK — The public is invited to attend the Alzheimer’s Association family caregiver support group from 10:30 a.m. to noon Monday.

The group will meet at the Port Hadlock Community United Methodist Church at 130 Church Lane.

Attendees can learn, share and gain emotional support from others who are also providing care to a person with memory loss.

Meetings are held every second Monday of the month, until further notice.

For more information, call Patricia Smith at 360-379-4186.

Paper crafting

PORT HADLOCK — People 18 and older are invited to drop by the Jefferson County Library to try out new paper crafting tools and techniques Wednesday.

The session will be open from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the library at 620 W. Cedar Ave.

For more information, call the library at 360-385-6544.


Tech Tuesday

QUILCENE — Jefferson County Library’s Tech Tuesday will occur at 11 a.m. Tuesday.

Participants of the session at Quilcene Community Center, 294952 U.S. Highway 101 can receive assistance with a computer or hand-held device.

Drop-in assistance will be available at the Jefferson County Library at 620 W. Cedar Ave., Port Hadlock from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Library staff will be on hand to provide individual assistance with computers or hand-held devices.

Attendees can bring devices or borrow one of the library’s.

For more information, call 360-385-6544.


Garden tours

PORT LUDLOW — Members of the public are invited to tours of Chimacum Woods from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Attendees can ask Bob Zimmerman rhody questions and take a self-guided tour through the 9-acre rhododendron nursery, 2722 Thorndyke Road.

Event organizers urge those interested to follow these directions:

Travel approximately 3 miles west of the Hood Canal Bridge and turn south from state Highway 104 onto South Point Road. After 1.5 miles, turn right onto Thorndyke Road (you will see a large sign to Coyle on the right just before the turn). Drive 2.7 miles to the driveway on the right with the Chimacum Woods sign (across from an orange newspaper box and two mailboxes). Go up the driveway and turn right or park to the right of the gate.

For more information, call Zimmerman at 206-383-2713 or visit


Conversation Cafe

PORT TOWNSEND — Conversation Cafe will meet at 11:45 a.m. today.

The public is invited to take part in discussions at Alchemy Bistro and Wine Bar, 842 Washington St.

The topic for today’s conversation will be “Gridlock.”

Discount night

PORT TOWNSEND — The public is invited to Mountain View Pool from 7 to 9 tonight for Discount Night.

Everyone will be admitted for $3. The whole pool is dedicated to play. Noodles, rings and other toys are available.

There will be no lap lanes. Children younger than 8 must be accompanied by a guardian.

For information, call 360-385-7665 or email

Garden tour

PORT TOWNSEND — Food Bank Farm & Gardens of Jefferson County will host a free garden tour Saturday.

The self-guided tour, set from 9 a.m. to noon, will showcase four production gardens that provide organic produce to Jefferson County food banks.

The tour will begin at the Quimper Grange Food Bank Garden. The garden is located behind the grange at 1219 Corona St.

Maps and directions to the other gardens will be provided at the grange’s garden, as well as carpooling and a caravan to the other sites.

Other stops in the tour’s roster include the Port Townsend High School Garden, Swan Farm Community-Food Bank Garden in Port Hadlock,and Farms Reach Food Bank Garden in Chimacum.

For more information, call 360-301-0982 or visit

Scholarship event

PORT TOWNSEND — The Association of American University Women of Port Townsend and University Women’s Foundation of Jefferson County will distribute scholarships to area women from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

Members of the public are invited to the free event at Elks Lodge at 555 Otto St.

More than $70,000 in scholarships will be awarded to area middle, and high school and college students.

For more information, call Anne Englander at 360-390-5896 or visit

Contra dance

PORT TOWNSEND — The Ferry Hoppers will be the featured musical entertainment at the next Quimper Grange contra dance and social 8 p.m. Saturday.

Tickets are $6; children younger than 16 will be admitted free at the grange, 1219 Corona St.

Colin Sterling, of Olympia, will be the caller.

The event will begin with a half-hour lesson at 7:30 p.m., after which the dance will be held until 11 p.m.

For more information, visit

Work party

PORT TOWNSEND — A work party is planned at Kah Tai Lagoon Nature Park from 9 a.m. to noon Sunday.

The public is invited to help remove weeds around oaks and pines at Duck Haven in the Decateur Street row at the northeast corner of the park.

Directions to the park are: “… turn left at Haines Place off of state Highway 20, then left on 12th Street, right on Landes street and right on 19th Street. Park along 19th Street before the Kearney street intersection.”

Snacks, tea, and weed wrenches will be provided.

Event organizers urge attendees to bring pruners for blackberries.

For more information, call 360-385-0307 or email

Plant walk

PORT TOWNSEND — Nancy Slick will lead a plant walk focusing on wild edible and medicinal plants at 11 a.m. Saturday.

Slick will cover common plants that are easily found around homes at the Food Co-op at 414 Kearney St.

Descriptions of various plants, as well as how they grow and their common uses will be covered.

Slick is an estate planning attorney and wild edible and medicinal plant teacher in the Sequim area.

Mindfulness program

PORT TOWNSEND — Jefferson Healthcare will offer two Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program classes beginning Saturday.

Preregistration is required. To register, contact Jackie Levin, RN, MS, at 360-385-2200, ext. 2235 or

The program costs $60. Scholarships are available and practice CDs as well as a workbook for home practice will be included in the cost.

Both classes will occur at Jefferson Healthcare’s Dirksen Conference at 834 Sheridan St., with the Saturday, May 12 class held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.and the Tuesday, May 29 class from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

For more information, contact Levin.

Second Sunday swim

PORT TOWNSEND — The public is invited to Mountain View Pool’s free swim Sunday.

The pool will be open to adults for laps, water walking and exercise from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. at the pool, 1925 Blaine St.

From 2:15 p.m. to 5 p.m., the pool will be open to all ages.

An adult must accompany children younger than 8 in the water.

For more information, call 360-385-7665.

Dance, potluck

PORT TOWNSEND — An English country dance is planned at the Rosewind Common House from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday.

A $5 donation is suggested for the dance at Rosewind, 3131 Haines St.

Nan Evans will lead the dance, with the Rosewind Country Dance Band providing the music.

A potluck will follow the dance.

The facility is fragrance-free and no street shoes are allowed, with the exception of dance shoes or slippers, event organizers said.

For more information, email Dan Post at

Plant clinic

PORT TOWNSEND — Washington State University Jefferson County Extension master gardeners will conduct a plant clinic from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday.

The clinic is the first in a series that will continue Mondays through September at the Community Development Office, 621 Sheridan St.

During the free clinic, master gardeners can assist attendees in diagnosing pest infestations and unknown pathogens, as well as identify plant species.

Those unable to attend the clinic can email

For more information, visit

Salmon documentary

PORT TOWNSEND — The public is invited to join Meaningful Movies Port Townsend for the screening of a new documentary, “Salmon Confidential,” at 6:30 p.m. Monday.

The film will be shown at Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF) Sanctuary, 2333 San Juan Ave.

Admission is free.

The film documents “an investigation of British Columbia’s declining wild salmon population and the possible government cover-up of what is killing them,” according to a news release.

The film is one in a series of Meaningful Movies presented at the QUUF Sanctuary the second Monday of the month. Each one is followed by community discussion.

Dance class

PORT TOWNSEND — A Balkan and international dance class is planned from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Instructors Richard and Susi Watson, Alice King and Susan Thomas will cover dances from Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Macedonia, Greece and Israel at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 2333 San Juan Ave.

The first hour of the class will be geared toward beginners with the last hour focusing on intermediate dancers.

Beginners are welcome anytime.

For more information, email


Dance lessons

FORKS — Dance lessons will be offered at the Forks Congregational Church at 7 tonight.

The lessons at the church at 280 Spartan Ave., are for people of all skill levels. Lessons are free.

Some donate to the instructors’ gas expenses but a donation is not required.

Each week begins with a review of the previous week’s lesson.

The lessons are held Fridays at the church.

Concessions will be available for purchase.

Forks history

FORKS — A “Forks History and More” presentation by the Forks Timber Museum and West End Historical Society will occur at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Members of the public are invited to the free presentation at First Congregational Church at 280 Spartan Ave.

Slated every third Tuesday, the meeting will begin with a museum board meeting, after which the society’s presentation will be held.

Attendees can bring items to share. Questions are encouraged.

For more information, call the Forks Timber Museum at 360-374-9663.

Elks bingo

FORKS — The Forks Elks Lodge will host bingo games at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

Early bird sessions will start at 6:30 p.m. with regular bingo at 7 p.m. at the lodge at 941 Merchants Road.

Septic class

FORKS — Clallam Environmental Health will provide a free 1.5-hour class about septic system inspection at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The course will be conducted at Forks Library at 171 S. Forks Ave.

Included will be an overview of the what, why and how of safely inspecting your septic system, as well as an instructional video, a brief demonstration, and a short exam.

Not all septic systems are eligible for homeowner inspection, according to a news release.

Systems located in the Marine Recovery Area must first be inspected by a licensed septic inspector.

The recovery area stretches eastward from Bagley Creek to the Clallam County boundary.

Homeowners can check their eligibility to inspect their own system at, then click on “Summary of Septic System Inspection Requirements” located at the bottom of the Septic Permit Process heading.

For more information, call Environmental Health Services at 360-417-2258 or visit

Sportsmen’s bingo

FORKS — The West End Sportsmen’s Club invites the public to its bingo night at 7 p.m. Thursday.

Games are held every Thursday at the club, 243 Sportsmen’s Club Road.

Proceeds from the bingo help fund programs such as Hunter Education and Kids’ Fishing Day.


Items for this listing of community events must be submitted by 5 p.m. Mondays. To submit, call 360-417-3527, fax 360-417-3521, email or visit the newsroom at 305 W. First St., Port Angeles, WA, 98362.

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