COYLE — Concerts in the Woods will host a community square dance outside the Laurel B. Johnson Community Center at 2 p.m. Sunday.
This will be the third year for Square Dance on the Grass, which is always held around the Fourth of July at the community center at 923 Hazel Point Road.
“This is one event that the neighborhood looks forward to every year as we start into summertime weather,” said organizer Norm Johnson.
Admission is by donation to the all-ages dance. Complimentary cookies and coffee are served at intermission to guests.
Live music will be performed by a group of musicians from Centrum’s Festival of American Fiddle Tunes Workshop held in Port Townsend every July.
The band is the Coyley Coyotes with David Tilke as caller, John Hatton on guitar, Howie Meltzer on fiddle and Leonard Feldman on English concertina.
For more about the series, see www.coyle