PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Community Players will conduct tryouts for “PA Town Foolery” at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 12.
The auditions will be at the Port Angeles Community Playhouse, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
The a steampunk-themed variety show is scheduled for performances on Jan. 24-25.
Performers are sought for acts that lend themselves to the variety show format, including singing (lip-syncing counts), chorus line dancing, skits, stand-up comedy or emceeing.
Performers can try out for up to three acts with a maximum time limit of three to four minutes. Adult humor is encouraged but may be edited for content.
The Steampunk theme is encouraged but not required.
Rehearsals, twice per week, begin in early January until the week of the performance, when additional rehearsals will be required.
Cast members will be responsible for their own props and costumes and will receive two free tickets to the show for friends or family members.
For more information, call Rebecca Gilbert at 970-946-0663.