A dream in New Jersey: Play continues in Port Angeles this weekend

PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School Thespian Society will continue performances of Midsummer Jersey through Saturday.

Midsummer Jersey will be performed at 7 tonight and Saturday on the stage of the Port Angeles Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave.

Ticket prices are $8 for general admission and $7 for students.

Children younger than 10 are admitted free. Tickets will be available at the door.

The comedy, written by Ken Ludwig and directed by Kelly Lovall, high school drama director, retells Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” — but set on the boardwalk of a seaside town in modern-day New Jersey.

“The story revolves around the impending marriage of the governor of New Jersey, the love affairs of four beach-bound high school crushes, a lively crew of fairies and the staff of the local beauty salon (run by Patti Quince and stylist Nikki Bottom),” according to play publisher Samuel French Inc.

“The night takes a magical turn when Oberon and the impish Puck arrive on the scene armed with a powerful love potion and a desire for mischief making. With several weddings and the acting careers of six beauticians hanging in the balance, the lovers take to the boardwalk, backed by pop music and an iPhone-obsessed wood sprite.”

Cast and crew are seniors Hope Winsor, Emmitt Szczepczynski, Tiara Delatorre, Noah Sinnes, Tavin Dotson, Charlotte Hertel, Claire Fritschler and Kacey Casad; juniors Bradley Alemao, Alex Smith, Lily Robertson, Zack Parrill, Madison Millet, Senator Atwater, Emily Menshew, Jessica Bernier, Gillian Elofson, Johanna Wittke, Mercedes Shimko, Freja Jarvegren Uecker, Zoe Tucker and Aiden Franich.

Also, sophomores Mauritz Ahlburg, AnLi Guttormsen, Jasmine Cottam, Joelynne Jewell, Madelynne Jones, Stephen Kaufmann, Rylan MacDonald, Samantha Rueda, Zoe Merrill, Edward Lester and Brandon Gomez; and freshmen Sammy Weinert, Kaemon Marshall, Amelie Atwater, Rhianna Bourassa-Stockdale and Carrie Childers.

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