Public asked to help in search
Man loses arm; granddaughter hurt
Sixty-year-old man accused of killing 24-year-old
Attempted murder charged in attack on corrections officer
Woman ‘ran for her life’
Sequim man to be arraigned Friday
A Sunday morning pursuit through Port Angeles reached speeds of up to 90 miles per hour, according to the Clallam County Sheriff’s… Continue reading
Accused appears to remain in a fog
Man incoherent at hearing
Fentanyl, meth found in autopsy
State Patrol officer, truck driver airlifted to Harborview
Man allegedly hits cars with bottle
Kingston woman charged with second-degree assault
Kent man, 36, pleads guilty
Child took four hits, was airlifted to Tacoma trauma center
More than 3,000 plants seized in December raid
Police: Woman had knife, threatened to light herself on fire
A Port Angeles man has been sentenced to five years in prison for possession with intent to deliver nearly $7,000 worth of… Continue reading
Reports says he had stopped taking anti-psychotic medication
A Port Angeles man has been sentenced to 15 months in prison for assault with strangulation and other crimes, Port Angeles police… Continue reading