PORT ANGELES — Here is this week’s schedule for the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Todd Ortloff Show on KONP 1450 AM, 101.7 FM in Port Angeles, 101.3 FM in Sequim and myclallamcounty.com on the internet outside the Port Angeles area.
This week’s scheduled lineup:
Monday — Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Nichols will discuss a coroner update (mortality trends and events), Prosecutor’s Office 2022 goals and priorities, stalking, cyberstalking and harassment.
Tuesday — Raine Mahdi, CEO/founder of a new global sourcing platform, will discuss how his company helps circumvent supply chain issues.
Second segment: Tony Billera will discuss Olympic Climate Action Special Program: Why All the Excitement About EVs? Billera will also discuss the history of electric vehicles, battery recycling, purchasing incentives and public charging networks.
Wednesday — Shelly Zollman from Prevention Works will discuss some upcoming classes for the community.
Thursday — Dr. Paul Christo, associate professor and director of the Multidisciplinary Pain Fellowship Program at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, will discuss the solutions experts are looking at as fentanyl overdose deaths surge.