LuAnne Hinkle, left, of the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society, receives a check from Ginger Rushton of the home health department at Jim’s Pharmacy in Port Angeles.

LuAnne Hinkle, left, of the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society, receives a check from Ginger Rushton of the home health department at Jim’s Pharmacy in Port Angeles.

Charity of the month

LuAnne Hinkle, left, of the Olympic Peninsula Humane Society, receives a check from Ginger Rushton of the home health department at Jim’s Pharmacy in Port Angeles.

Staff and customers at the pharmacy raised more than $950 to support the humane society, the July recipient of Jim’s Cares Monthly Charity.

The funds are raised through monetary donations, used book sales, donated employee casual days and a percentage of over-the-counter sales.

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