BUSINESS BRIEFS: Alpenfire cider to benefit Olympic Discovery Trail … and other items

PORT TOWNSEND — Alpenfire Cider announced it has partnered with the Peninsula Trails Coalition to create a cider to benefit the Olympic Discovery Trail.

A percentage of each Discovery Trail Cider bag sold will assist in expanding the trail, as well as trail care and maintenance.

The cider is currently available at The Food Co-op, 414 Kearney St.; Getables, 810 Water St.; and Alpinefire’s tasting room, 220 Pocket Lane, when it opens again in March.

The cider is presented in a 1.5 liter recyclable bag that is also BPA free, Alpenfire said in a news release.

It is lighter and has an 80 percent lower carbon footprint compared to conventional glass bottles, the news release continued.

For more information, visit or

KONP talk guests

PORT ANGELES — Here is this week’s schedule for the 1:05 p.m. to 2 p.m. local talk show segment onKONP radio, at 1450 AM, 101.7 FM and on the internet outside the Port Angeles area.

Station General Manager Todd Ortloff hosts the Monday through Thursday segments.

This week’s scheduled lineup:

• Monday: No show. President’s Day special programming.

• Tuesday: Port Angeles School District, Franklin Elementary fourth-grade teacher, Michelle Stone withthree of her students talking about The Franklin Today Show, a weekly news show the students write,rehearse and record.

Kristin Halberg from The Dream Hatchery discusses her local suicide support program.

• Wednesday: Shenna Younger and Bertha Cooper, founders of “The Beginning,” a group for breaking thesilence surrounding child sexual abuse. They will be discussing their upcoming community forum called“Keeping Our Kids Safe,” a community conversation about sexual misconduct, including sexual assault,toward and among teens.

Former Assistant Press Secretary to President Ronald Reagan and Author Mark Weinberg, discusses his newbook “Movie Nights with the Reagans,” recalling his 8-plus years spent at Camp David watchingweekend films with the Reagans.

• Thursday: Juliet Kindred discusses “Project Homeless Connect,” a free community event where homelesscitizens can get information on housing, insurance, veterans and legal services, as well as receive haircuts,clothing, food, vaccinations, social services, dental and medical care.

Kevin Hoult, Certified Business Advisor with North Peninsula Small Business Development Center, will bediscussing “Imagining the Unimaginable — 7 Things to do, just in case” (what would happen to yourbusiness if you were suddenly incapacitated?)

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