There will be up to another six weeks of late summer and fall halibut season as the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife… Continue reading
IF YOUR AIM is coho, the premier methodology is dropping the boat off at the ramp and heading out where the fish are. Not everyone,… Continue reading
ANOTHER DAY FOR hatchery chinook fishing in Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet) has been approved by state Department of Fish and Wildlife salmon managers. Anglers… Continue reading
ANGLERS WENT AND caught all the chinook while I vacationed in my living room playing countless hours of the first college football video game released… Continue reading
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife updated its halibut season, opening late season all-depth recreational halibut fishing beginning Aug. 16 and raising… Continue reading
FOOTBALL-SHAPED CHINOOK of the clipped adipose fin variety are being found by anglers from Neah Bay to Port Angeles Harbor. Sekiu and Port Angeles opened… Continue reading
Riders face heavy rain, mud and even hail
OCEAN-GOING ANGLERS will open the summer salmon season next Friday when the chinook fishery opens off Neah Bay (Marine Area 4) and La Push (Marine… Continue reading
The biggest gravel race in Jefferson County returns this Saturday in the hills and forests between Quilcene and Blyn. The Bon Jon Pass… Continue reading
Recreational shrimp harvesting in the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Admiralty Strait, excluding the Disocvery Bay Shrimp District, is open or will… Continue reading
Enjoy the great outdoors and raise funds to support United… Continue reading
Cash prizes totaling $5,500 going to the top five flatfish
Olympic National Park is launching a new aquatic invasive species program to protect Lake Crescent and Lake Ozette with free boat cleaning… Continue reading
Puget Sound anglers at 13-percent of halibut quota
A BOOMING BELLY laugh was all it took to know John Brewer was at work at the Peninsula Daily News offices. You could hear the… Continue reading
Limit reaches 98-percent before final days
Coastal Cleanup targets Jefferson County state parks April 20