Need Mueller report, congressional investigation before making decision

President Donald Trump claims to be totally exonerated on Russian collusion and obstruction of justice, but it was made clear Special Counsel Robert Mueller did not exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice.

Questions of obstruction of justice go unanswered. Perhaps Congress will address this.

And while collusion could not be proven, Trump certainly did not object to alleged Russian intervention in the election.

Many still question a video of Trump calling on Russians to hack Clinton emails along with what was said during his private conversations with Putin.

The Justice Department might not have found evidence of collusion while Trump did business with Russians, but many wonder why Trump lied about continued negotiations on the Moscow project while campaigning.

I guess we are to believe Michael Cohen’s claims Trump apparently never expected to win or give up control of his private business as president.

Finally, whatever your excuses for Trump’s lies, tweets and obnoxious behavior be honest about your view of Trump as a businessman.

Would you really want your bank loaning Trump money?

Would you want to be a subcontractor on one of his business projects or one of his employees?

Let us wait on Congressional review of the Mueller report and the Southern District of New York investigation into Trump’s international and domestic business practices before believing Trump was totally exonerated by the Mueller report.

Cheryl Nash,

Port Angeles