LETTERS: Don’t forget sacrifices made for us this holiday

Thank you.

With Memorial Day approaching, please take a moment to remember the freedoms we all have today because of the sacrifices others have made for us.

The sacrifices made by our brave men and women come at a high price.

They put their lives on the line for you and me, our country and our friends in other countries.

Too many of our young people take for granted the good life they live today, never realizing others gave their lives for them to do so.

There are numerous branches of our government never mentioned for the services, bravery and sacrifices. They, too, have given and continue to give in order to combat the enemy.

Many of them do their jobs without any self-protection.

Many of them have lost their lives and have been seriously injured doing so, as well as our military people serving us.

Remember Memorial Day is to give them all thanks, and never forget they have given and continue to give, for all of us.

Shirley Berg,
