LETTER: We have to police ourselves to keep our Evergreen State beautiful

A local resident recently wrote in asking what was being done to clean up all the litter on the roadway between Sequim and Port Angeles. I find it ironic that the writer would think that someone else should clean up the litter.

Every couple of weeks, the PDN reveals what our local chain gang has recently accomplished. I am always discouraged to read about the illegal dumpsites they are cleaning up in our neighborhood and amazed to read about the tons of garbage they have removed.

More than a few years ago, on my first trip to Washington, I still remember seeing the billboard on the Washington side of the Idaho/Washington border: “Welcome to the Evergreen State. Help keep Washington Green, Please Don’t Litter!”

Even as a teenager I was struck by how clean the roadways were. It was truly impressive and it made an impression on me. I don’t litter.

Attitudes change over time. I believe when the state started the Adopt-a-Highway program, people started thinking it was OK to litter because someone else was going to pick it up and that those volunteer litter crews actually enjoyed what they were doing.

Well, guess what, people? It is not OK. You are the ones causing the problem, and no one should have to come after you and clean up your mess.

There simply are not enough state troopers, sheriff deputies or local police around to enforce these kind of laws.

We have to police ourselves and do our part to keep our county a place we all want to live.

Jon Earhart,
