LETTER: Trump should resign or be impeached

Back on course

Thomas Friedman’s column, “What Trump, Putin Have in Common” (PDN, March 19), stirred deeply imprinted childhood memories of World War II.

In it, I noted the characteristic dictatorial and immoral practices of both Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Donald Trump, which appear to closely coincide with those of fascists Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

I also note their mutual modern-day use of the Big Lie tactics of Hitler’s infamous propagandist Joseph Goebbels, i.e., tell a lie big enough and often enough and it will eventually be accepted as truth.

But, the big lie approach is not working for our president.

Neither are his frequent little ones.

As dangerous and as serious as the current world situation is, the sad truth is that our leader appears nowhere as clever as the Russian dictator … or much of the rest of the planet’s leaders for that matter.

When we need and deserve a respected and honest world leader, our current president, in past considered to be the nominal leader of the free world, has devolved into being a soap opera laughing stock.

We, the people, are entitled to better.

Americans must demand that Congress do its duty.

Get our ship of state back on course.

Demand resignation.

Or, impeach.

Dave Woodruff,

Port Townsend