LETTER: Teach children about tyranny, the dangerous world and our rights

I read the paper every day and I’m just darn tired of the same letters written by the same people over and over about the kids protesting over our right to bear arms.

I have a kid in sixth grade and there should be armed teachers to protect our children from [people] who have plans to harm our children.

Now the left is indoctrinating our kids that guns are bad and not the bad, sick people hell-bent to outdo the last sick person’s dirty deed.

What these kids are not learning in school is the Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Welcome to core education.

Our forefathers died protecting those rights so the left can have their protests and freedom of speech.

The National Rifle Association is about the only ones out to help protect our rights from tyranny from the left.

It’s nobody’s business what’s in my house and how I protect my family.

And if anyone cares about these kids, they would be teaching them real history and what tyranny is and what tyranny has done from the very start of this country and maybe how dangerous the world really is.

It’s not a fairy tales and mushrooms world.

Rob White,
