LETTER: Students deserve at least the same rights inmates have

Privacy and dignity

A disturbing article crossed my desk this last week about federal prisons with essentially the same gender policy our schools have.

When the policy was implemented in 2012, the Bureau of Prisons became the target of multiple lawsuits from women that complained that the behavior of the biological men who considered themselves to be women, caused the women to suffer “disgust, embarrassment, humiliation, stress, degradation, fear and loss of dignity.” (Family Policy Alliance, 6/12/18)

In the prisoners’ case the Supreme Court has been very clear that prisoners have basic constitutional rights that belong to all citizens (students included) and cannot be taken away by the government.

Turns out, even inmates retain the right to bodily privacy and dignity.

I’m thinking that it won’t be long before the school system will be in the very same position — in the middle of a lawsuit, trying to defend the board’s politically correct decision-making, against student constitutional rights.

It tends to make one believe that the school board is more concerned with what their parent organization, the Washington State School Directors’ Association, wants than what’s best for the students.

Be nice to see them experience, in their own lives, the shower room/locker room policy that they’ve decided is OK for the students.

Experience the situation first-hand might have given them a different perspective.

I encourage the public and especially the school board to read the above article and see what happened.

William Yucha,

Port Angeles