LETTER: Shop more locally, not less

In the letter “Shop Outside City,” the writer promotes a 10-to-25 percent reduction in local purchasing, as his solution to the Port Angeles City Council’s recent plastic shopping bag ban.

I have a different idea: How about we shop more in Port Angeles.

Rather than click on Amazon, give one of our bookstores or Swains or any other locally owned business your money.

When we send our local shopping money out of Port Angeles, that actually costs each of us.

Those few extra dollars we might “save” eventually add up to the difference between local stores being able to stay in business and closing their doors.

When I visit a local shop to buy it is always a neighbor — a local person who helps me.

Make your habit to always try to buy local, instead of making that “convenient click.”

If we want a healthy, thriving, interesting shopping experiences locally, we must support it with our wallets (and bring that reusable bag).

As to the bags: Kudos to Port Angeles City Council.

Efforts to reduce roadside trash pollution and landfill waste are moves in the right direction.

Will Johnson,

Port Angeles