LETTER: Recounting all the names used for the president

In April of this year I started recording the name calling by the left printed in the PDN to despair all that is Trump and his constituents.

Some of them are eye-openers and are void of any sensible reasoning.

Writers use what names they can to reach a plateau of disdain for the most impact.

Here are some of them:

Mentally deranged, psychotic rampage, useful idiot, absolute maniac, inexperienced, fraudulent, immoral and self-serving thugs, whew.

Then there’s narcissist, pathological liar, no moral ethics or empathy, ouch, along with vindictive, a bully, a coward, and Tweetin’ Traitor Trump.

Also soap-opera laughing stock, racist, KKK, fascist, Putin puppet and all the -phobes you can think of.

White privilege, white supremacist and the war on the poor.

Authoritarian, wannabe dictator, lazy, undisciplined, ludicrous person, self-absorbed and inept.

I have a favorite, “misogynist.” When I first heard it, I had to look it up.

Try to remember I fix your car, drive your trucks, nurse your kids and fly the planes you ride in.

I grow your food and treat your sewage and catch the catch of the day.

I’m your neighbor.

Hurl the insults, use the megaphone and the media — these things will not change my mind.

I will, however, have to take time to explain to my grandchildren what a reprobate is.

I am sorry you hate me. I don’t hate you.

Robert A. Beausoleil,

Port Angeles