LETTER: Progressive columnists always selling the crisis du jour

I always get a kick out of progressive op-ed columnists who foist their views on their readership.

Apparently, they contend that everybody has a right to “their” opinion and, however wacky, they give of it freely.

And they actually get paid for it.

What a racket.

I especially enjoy those who peer into the future and then make dire prognostications reflecting the awaiting horrors of overpopulation, climate change, or their apparent favorite, the demise of democracy due to the actions of President Donald Trump.

Normally, of course, those pessimistic pundits predicting impending doom are safe in their forecasts because, given time, the reading public soon forgets what was projected.

Climate change is a prime example as the debate has raged for decades.

For instance, the 1970’s predictions of the coming Ice Age were not fully debunked until nearly 2000, according to media reports.

By then, the crisis du jour was global warming which, in time, will also fade from public memory.

So, one must pity poor old Paul Krugman whose fantastically flawed prediction that the stock markets would never recover from the election of Donald Trump was disproven within hours.

He must have been tearing his hair out as he watched the stock market soar immediately after the election.

Let this be a lesson for all who hang on the words of liberal “experts” appearing in the nation’s opinion pages.

Most of their cockamamie theories will eventually be proven wrong if only you wait long enough.

Happily for Krugman, the wait was not very long.

Dick Pilling,

Port Angeles

Editor’s note: Pilling is the former Clallam County Republican Party chairman.