LETTER: Poor, minorities lose in abortion, vaccine policy

Venting over GOP

A relative of ours venting over the Republican Party and religious right once told us, “We should have let them secede when we had the chance.”

Alabama’s latest abortion ban, like Mississippi’s long-standing one-size-fits-all-vaccine-mandate, is racist and sexist.

For those living in La-La Land, it is the poor, minorities, women and children who stand to lose when we fail to separate church and state by allowing religious zealots to control sex and reproduction, and by allowing corporate corruption of politicians.

The right will not be happy until the Supreme Court makes sure the United States adopts Alabama’s misogynistic reproductive policy and the country has the Third World health statistics of Mississippi.

Or, according to our Benghazi-obsessed, white male Republican neighbor, the suffering and oppression — of others, of course — can be justified as it leads to great human achievement.

He used Beethoven’s deafness as his example.

No wonder the American right and GOP have been dubbed the “Christian Taliban” and fascist.

Cheryl Nash,

Port Angeles