LETTER: Political pendulum swings make our nation American

The political pendulum swings in the only nation I would choose to live.

Our freedoms to determine and direct policy soar above other nations under dictatorships, facist, communist or theocratic regimes.

The pendulum’s ability to historically move smoothly from side to side is vital.

Today, it is in the “right” position after a long swing to the “left.”

But, its true strength lies in the “central” position.

Our beautifully diverse citizenry can survive as a nation if we genuinely love what pulls us together, not what drives us apart.

Leftists would do well to listen to the right, and rightists should listen ot the left, for the pendulum swings both ways.

Neither have all the answers, but differing views, coveted by oppressed people worldwide, are still protected by the U.S. Constitution.

Pendulums move horizontally, as do relationships between people.

A vertical relationship that every person has from his or her Creator was recognized by our founding fathers.

We are all gifted with a deep space within where God alone belongs.

We can stuff it with things: politics, ambition, other people or whatever we place in supremacy.

Yet, only God fits perfectly into that perfectly created space.

He waits quietly for us to turn to His wisdom, and to personally and collectively invite Him into our culture again.

Lonnie Oglesby,

Port Angeles