LETTER: Plow drivers could be more considerate of driveways

I have just committed my first act of civil disobedience, and I admit it feels pretty good.

This past week, my husband and I hand-shoveled massive berms plowed across our driveway four times.

We also helped shovel out our neighbor across the road as well as the neighbor next door each time we were plowed in.

One morning, we were visited by both a big yellow scraper and a white pickup with blade, double whammy.

After they went up the road, I trudged out to clear again the icy chunks piled into the end of the driveway.

When I saw the two coming back down the other side of the road, I snapped, “Enough is enough,” walked across to the opposite driveway and stood there.

We played chicken and I won; he had to swerve around me.

I do apologize to the driver, but at least there wasn’t an icy berm across the neighbor’s driveway.

As a recent retiree to Sequim after 46 years in Alaska, I’m not fazed by snow.

Granted, snow of the magnitude we’ve had recently here is rare, and I applaud the efforts of the overworked county road crews.

There is a suggestion I’d like to share with the county, however.

In Alaska, and there are certainly enough former Alaskans here to verify this, the plows raise their blades when they come to driveways that were previously cleared.

Easy enough to do and would keep us happy.

Clallam, would you please consider doing the same?

Marlene Lewis,
