LETTER: Pleased with President Trump’s performance on economy

Over the past few months, Americans have once again started to enjoy the American dream.

Have you noticed our roads and city streets are busy with people traveling, shopping and spending money?

Many stores, construction companies, auto dealers, Realtors and restaurants are once again enjoying profits and hiring more people. In turn, money is circulating.

Such jobs make it possible for our young people to enjoy their independence by providing for themselves and moving out on their own.

Unlike the Obama years, when they moved back home.

Anyone having experienced eight years of a community organizer trying to run our country, and having experienced the loss of businesses, jobs and homes, understands why President Donald J. Trump was elected.

A person’s race or personality is not a priority when voting for experienced leadership to run a country.

Experience counts — giving pride and the ability to grow successfully for all concerned.

Some people have forgotten the eight years of screeching brakes slammed on the growth of America and our people.

Too many of our young people approaching voting age are dangerously clueless to this reality.

Obama cannot take credit for President Trump’s success of getting America up and running again.

President Trump understands the rules of give and take.

A teachable moment for Democrats.

Think and remember the positive changes your vote can continue to make.

We can replace the negative leaders by replacing them with positive doers for the people.

Continue to make America great again.

Shirley Berg,
