LETTER: Offended people should vote with their feet

Vote with feet

I see in the paper (PDN, April 25) that columnist Cal Thomas remembers seeing Kate Smith on TV so long ago.

Like Thomas I remember her on the television in the 1950s; I am all but 80 years old.

Some good news for Kate Smith fans: You can hear her sing God Bless America every morning on a local radio station, KSQM.

But unlike Thomas, I do not see the machinations of his imaginary PC Police everywhere I look.

What I see is what every conservative in the universe cherishes: a free and open marketplace.

When my favorite restaurant insisted on serving only seasoned French fries, which I despise, I voted with my feet and took my business elsewhere.

I did not imagine the long arm of some secret French fry police organization reaching out to force seasoned fries upon me.

Likewise, since Kate Smith was a central opening feature, these teams sensed that their customers might turn elsewhere if fed a diet, forgive the metaphor, of seasoned French fries they did not want.

No secret PC police, just market forces in action.

For shame, Mr. Thomas, for shame.

Mark Wilson,
