LETTER: Offended by president’s words and actions

I am writing concerning the person who placed the cardboard sign that read “offended” over my sign which read “Trump = Criminal” in the windshield of my parked car Nov. 9.

It is interesting how you are offended by my constitutional right to free speech, but not by President Donald Trump’s words and actions.

The president has referred to Mexicans as criminals and rapists.

The president was recorded bragging about his and other stars’ ability to grab a woman’s private parts which constitutes sexual assault.

The president had babies and children ripped from their parents and placed in cages.

The president referred to male African American football players as “sons of bitches.”

The president has been shown to lie in whole or parts thousands of times.

The president has made fun of a war hero for getting captured.

The president has called a Gold Star widow a liar.

The president has assailed the free press and attempted to ban a reporter just like dictators do.

The president has told his supporters to “knock the crap out of them … I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees.”

The president has spread insane conspiracy theories without any proof.

The president had sex with an adult porn star, paid her off to shut up, and then boldfaced lied on Air Force One to the American people about it.

The president has illegally placed a hack as the head of the Justice Department.

On Nov. 9, he called two female African American reporters, “stupid and lazy.”

Lewis Bennett,

Port Angeles