LETTER: Military preparedness holds enemies at bay

It’s difficult to read columns like Charles Blow’s “Donald Trump: Man at War” (PDN, 3/27) and believe that any rational person could actually write such dribble.

I have no problem with his not liking President Trump or disagreeing with his policies, but the conclusions he draws from our president’s policies border on being delusional.

Folks, like it or not, we are not headed for war.

We are at war.

When you have a nation(s) that has public chantings of “death to America” and concurrently works overtime to develop a nuclear arsenal, that is about as threatening as you can get.

The first and most important responsibility of the president and his administration is to protect our national security.

The naïve head-in-the-sand attitude of many these days is reminiscent of the days before World War II.

This attitude left us unprepared for the war of such a scale it nearly cost us our freedom.

Must we repeat this horrible mistake?

Recent history has proven beyond any doubt that the regimes with which we are dealing cannot be negotiated with in good faith.

For decades, our military strength and preparedness have been successful in holding our potential enemies at bay.

They are our true enemy, not President Trump.

War is never pleasant to contemplate and even more difficult to endure.

Freedom, most definitely, is not free.

David Tarr,

Port Townsend