LETTER: Loyalties should be informed by truth

Donald Trump famously said that he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and not lose any voters.

Little did we know that he was, for once, telling the truth.

Trump’s statement is that of a master con man who has his victims securely hooked on his fishing line.

What is it with Trump supporters?

They not only hungrily believe the most absurd, ignorant, easily disproved, flip-flopping, bizarre lies from Trump, but they seek them out and cling to them like a drowning man clings to a floating piece of wood in the middle of the ocean.

Truth cannot be defined by someone’s loyalties, but our loyalties should be defined by the truth.

You do not have to be a genius or do research to see the lies in what Trump says.

Sometimes the end of his statements or tweets completely contradict the beginning.

Yet, his supporters turn a blind eye.

Why? There is a huge difference between being deceived and being delusional.

What misguided obsession in the very core of their being causes Trump supporters to not see the light even when they are staring into a searchlight?

Watching Trump talk is exactly like watching a cowardly high school bully attack the smaller and less popular students.

I am disgusted and disheartened.

David A. Desautel,
