LETTER: I-1631 a modest measure to address climate change

Modest, prudent measure

Concerns about climate change driven by greenhouse gases from human activities can seem kind of abstract.

But a new study vividly illustrates the kind of concrete impacts we can expect from a changing climate.

The New York Times reported on Oct. 15, “A small international team of scientists … are predicting a beer shortage.

In a report in Nature Plants, researchers in China, Britain and the United States say that by the end of the century, drought and heat could hurt barley crops enough to cause intense pain to beer drinkers.

Imagine a worst case of a 20-percent drop in supply in the United States or a doubling of prices per bottle in Ireland.”

Initiative 1631, on the November ballot, is a modest, prudent measure to reduce Washington’s greenhouse gas emissions. Vote like your beer, and much, much more, depends on it.

Marc Sullivan,
