LETTER: Anti-Obama letter displayed much bias but few sources

In the Jan. 15 letter to Peninsula Voices “Obama ‘pathetic,’” the writer uses many often-heard talking points and phrases without examples or sources for the allegations: “[Obama] has left our country … weaker and less respected all around the world … .”

What is the verifiable evidence of this?

Some worldwide poll?

Obamacare “is a collapsing total failure …” Total?

Coverage by media showed thousands of people around the country are/were protesting the repeal of Obamacare this past weekend.

The writer said Obama’s “massive amount of regulations have cost jobs and stagnated economic growth.”

Which regulations and which kinds of jobs, specifically?

Cite some regulations that have cost jobs.

I have yet to hear any politician cite instances of specific regulations causing actual job loss — phrases never validated.

Regarding regulations causing stagnated economic growth, what source or sources validate that premise?

As the writer hopes to never see [Obama’s] “pathetic face” — whatever that means — and hear his voice again, I hope I never again see writings in Peninsula Voices with unfounded, unsourced statements (as those above) presented as though they are substantiated fact.

Mitzi Baker,
