LETTER: Actions speak louder than words about human rights

We are currently witnessing the inhumane kidnapping and incarceration of innocent children on American soil, separating them from their parents who are also being incarcerated indefinitely while awaiting deportation hearings for coming here to seek sanctuary from brutality, violence and even death at the hands of those ruling their homelands.

Those elected, appointed or employed by our government — past and present — have mislabeled them “illegal immigrants,” citing laws regarding the immigration process, but in truth they are refugees from the brutality and violence in their homelands.

According to the State Department website, “The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago.

“Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

“The United States understands that the existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises.”

The website for The Advocates for Human Rights (www.theadvocatesforhumanrights.org) tells a different story regarding “the record of violations of human rights by the U.S. regarding poverty, discrimination, violence against women, the U.S. justice system, voter disenfranchisement, immigration, civil and political liberties, education and health care despite guarantees provided by domestic and international law” and includes the fact that “the United States has yet to ratify important human rights-related treaties and opposes the International Criminal Court.”

Actions speak louder than words.

Joy Beaver,
