LETTER: Access to national parks should be free

In my view, the huge proposed entrance fee increase is tyrannical and unconstitutional. (“Huge fee hike for park proposed,” PDN, Oct. 27)

Mind you, it would keep out many cretins who abuse the park but it also keeps out your local Boy Scout and is too expensive.

In my view, to go from a $15 to $70 or more entrance fee overnight is unconstitutional because it greatly infringes on the inalienable right to travel freely in a lawful manner on public property or lands, which means free or reasonably low fee access to public lands.

How about no fees to enter our national parks, and the park service gets the extra funds they supposedly need from Congress instead of Boy Scout pockets?

What is going on here really?

We wonder as we wander, uh, but not through the park if the entrance fee is $70!

Richard Lord,

Port Angeles