LETTER: A modest proposal for parking, skating in Port Angeles

Downtown Port Angeles parking does not justify one business person’s suggestion that having a skating rink attract people downtown is bad because these folks use parking spaces (“Ice skating makes parking tough in Port Angeles,” Dec. 14).

Do none of the skaters also do shopping when drawn downtown by the skating rink?

It appears the letter writer actually fears that some people, who presumably would not otherwise do so, might drive all the way to Walmart just to avoid downtown parking.

I’ve done business in downtown Port Angeles for 39 years. I never have trouble finding parking.

And I rarely have to walk even as far as two short blocks.

If one took the extra time to drive to Walmart’s parking lot, what are the chances of winding up with a truly short walk?

Think about that.

There are many reasons people have for shopping at Walmart, but parking convenience is not likely high on that list.

Then again, they could move the skating rink to Walmart.

That would certainly help the downtown businesses.

Think about it.

John Merton Marrs,

Port Angeles